Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Be the change

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi

Angry that the clerk was rude to you at the checkout counter? So, you react by being rude back? Natural reaction, right? I'd like to suggest that that is not. To be grateful and loving ... is to accept that there is a wonderful spirit inside of that person. To change the world, we need to change what we think is a "natural reaction."

Ever wonder if perhaps the person just found out that her father is dying ... or that she was robbed just before getting to work ... or she felt ill and couldn't get you what you needed when you needed it? I'd suggest that the natural reaction be one of second chances. It really doesn't matter if her father is dying ... or if she is just rude to everyone. I'd like to suggest that all that matters is how you perceive it. Try it out for a time. Try to give people the benefit of the doubt, whether you really believe it or not. Just try. I can guarantee that your day will be much happier and freer. If you do it once, you might think better of a person the next time, then the next, and next again. Maybe changing your habitual thoughts could change the world.

Maybe then you'll notice that when you smiled at that rude clerk, she in turn smiled at the next customer.

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